How to Make a Wood-Fired Pizza: Osteria Acqua & Farina’s Attilio Reale Explains[]
How to Make a Wood-Fired Pizza: Osteria Acqua & Farina’s Attilio Reale Explains[]
Going Organic can be a hard hit on you wallet. So we are here to tell you that not all foods are treated equally. Meaning, that some fruits and veggies have more pesticides then others. Check out the link below to see a full list! And leave us a comment about if you buy organic or not! Check out the list here: Subscribe! ? Facebook Twitter: The Frugalicious Show is a web tv show that helps you live the best possible life while spending the least amount of money. Bitsy and Erin share budget-friendly lifestyle tips on The Frugalicious Show, and Bitsy shares some of her favorite money-saving ideas in her weekly segment, Bitsy’s Quick Tips. Learn how to live a Frugalicious life without sacrifice. Have a Frugalicious find you want to share? Leave a comment! Hey, it’s Bitsy and I’m gonna tell you how to go organic. Buying everything organic can be expensive. The Shopper’s Guide to Pesticide in Produce will help you determine which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticide residues. Named the Dirty Dozen, these are the most important to make sure to buy organic. The list also includes the Clean 15 — or the top 15 veggies and fruits lowest in pesticide. So you know when it;s worth it to go organic. It’s a great resource to help save money on your grocery bill and still be healthy. We have the link below. Going Organic — Bitsy’s Quick Tips
How to Make a Wood-Fired Pizza: Osteria Acqua & Farina’s Attilio Reale Explains
Attilio Reale has been making wood-fired pizzas for 25 years.Originally from Naples — Italy, not Florida — he grew up in northern Italy. And his pizza closely mimics his background.
“My pizza style is close to the Napoli style with an influence from the north,” says Reale in his melodious Italian accent. (In Naples, there are all kinds of rules about exactly how pizza must be made.) “Not all people like the Napoli style. I’ve worked everywhere. I try to make a pizza that everyone likes: crispy and soft at the same time.”
See Also:
- Ovenella in Boca Raton: Wood-Fired Oven Pizzas and Lots of Cheese and Garlic
- South Florida’s Ten Best Pizzas
- Coal-Fried Pizza: is it Charred or Just Burnt?
Reale has worked as a pizza-man and pizza consultant all over the world: New York, Mexico City, Panama, Connecticut. He has also picked up some high-profile jobs in south Florida ranging from Spris,on Lincoln Road; to the Setai, Miami Beach; to Martorano’s Italian-American Kitchen at the Hard Rock Casino. Now, he has taken the wood-fired pizza helm at How to Make a Wood-Fired Pizza: Osteria Acqua & Farina’s Attilio Reale Explains
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