Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Denny’s Launches Hobbit Menu (Video)[]

Denny’s Launches Hobbit Menu (Video)[]

Denny’s Launches Hobbit Menu (Video)[]

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Denny’s Launches Hobbit Menu (Video)

True confession: I once had a blind date with someone who conversed only in Elvish. You know, that language spoken by elves in the Lord of the Ring trilogy. Here’s the problem…Elvish is not a real language. There was no second date.

Iif I kept the guy’s phone number (and remembered his name), I would let him know that he finally had a place where his language is spoken.

That place is Denny’s, starting November 6 when the breakfast-centric chain launches its own Hobbit-inspired menu.

According to

Denny’s Launches Hobbit Menu (Video)

Annoying Orange Presents – Grapefruit’s Totally True Tales: Bigfoot This video Annoying Orange Presents – Grapefruit’s Totally True Tales: Bigfoot Reminded me of my treasure hunts. Annoying Orange Presents – Grapefruit’s Totally True Tales: Bigfoot I want Marshmallow next! Thanks so much, and don’t forget to check me out on the links below! MAIN CHANNEL Annoying Orange Presents – Grapefruit’s Totally True Tales: Bigfoot annoying orange mashed potatoes grapefruit totally true tales fantasy bigfoot sasquatch lies nephew pear marshmallow midget apple talking screaming food animation weird funny videos hey knife motorboat cartoon mashed potatoes golf Re: Annoying Orange Presents – Grapefruit’s Totally True Tales: Bigfoot “Annoying Orange”

Denny’s Launches Hobbit Menu (Video)[]


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